Welcome to Sunny Bird E-Vote

A new online E-Voting site to vote for your favourite teams, people, softwares, devices, etc. We develop E-Voting polls to vote online. You can vote multiple times. No sign up requeir and this is really free.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Most Interesting Big Match of The Season

The Most Interesting Big Match in 2016

Hello!!! This is the big match season. Every Sri Lankan cheer for their school big match team. Many events like walks, parades, musical shows, etc are organized to cheer them. What's your school? To which school team do you support? I know that you exactly know it.

This online poll system was developed to collect your votes and to select what is the best school big match in this season. You can select one or two most interesting big match and vote for them. After that this system will show you the current result automatically.
you can leave a comment also below cheering your school cricket team. If your school big match isn't there, you can add it to this poll. Lets vote!!!

The poll is closed. You can check the result of this online poll from http://onlineevoting.blogspot.com/2016/05/the-most-interesting-big-match-in-2016.html.

Thank you all who voted!!!